Tuesday, December 15, 2015

updated hypothetical Valley campaign map

After a hiatus from my campaign I have decided to update my map some and tweek some rules.

We start back up in July 1863. The map has been sectioned off in grids. Each grid is numbered. I'm still tweaking my rules and am just in the planning stages now, but I will devote more time to that over my Christmas holiday.

For now I have tweaked my map and realigned the troop locations.

The map with the new grid lines

General troop placement,  but I will come up with new icons to represent these troops. For now this template works.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Movement Trays

With 6mm based the way I like it is a tad bit fiddly and slow at the start of a wargame when players move troops forward to engage in combat.

Personally, I like battalion level games and my figures are based for that. I also typically don't use more than a division vs a division in my games. However,  I risk having my figures broken or squeezed as people move them. So the goal of this project was to save movement time where possible and limit some handling of the bases.

I decided to make a few experimental movement trays for brigades. The theory is players can move the entire brigade via the tray and then deploy once more specific tactics are necessary.  Units can be removed from the trays if they need to be detached,  etc.

Supplies...balsa wood. Thin rectangular strip and a long flat piece.  Green paint..Apple barrel marsh green for me. Glue. Paintbrush.  Flock of your choice.

On the left is the flat piece. About 100 mm wide by 80 mm deep. On top is a remaining piece of the rectangular strip. Bottom right is a half painted piece. Above right is a painted piece with the rectangular strip cut and glued down.

Once the upper right image dries I paint the remaining exposed wood a marsh green. I would then flock it on the rectangular pieces and the front.

1st moment tray. I like all but my flock job. I will just flock the outside all in grass on the remaining ones.

What it would look like 95% complete. This holds a brigade of 6mm cavalry in my games or a regiment for others.  I can also use it for a 18mm French or British battalion,  but I'll need a whole lot more trays for a brigade.

On the whole, once completed, I think they'll work out well. 

Berdan's Sharpshooters

With football season over I will now have more time to continue my 1864 hypothetical Valley Campaign.

In preparation I have added a company of Berdan's Sharpshooters to employ when and where it is possible.

These were painted as federal skirmishers in blue but a quick dab with some green has sent them into the ranks of Berdan's elite troops. In truth I just wanted to add some color to the drab Federal blue.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Dabbling with 28mm French

Nothing big. Had some 28mm French and figured I'd paint one up while I get my 6mm French Dragoons organized for painting. Vitrix figure, painted up ok.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

6mm French Revolution / Napoleonic War project.

Slowly building my pre 1800 French Rev forces. I've decided to focus from 1794 to 1800, and to concentrate on the Italian campaigns.

I obtained these Baccus figures last December and have finally had time to paint and base them. Mostly it was just a healthy experiment to see if I wanted to go down this road.

I like the way they turned out. These consistent of Austrian Dragoons and French Artillery at the moment.

They are based on 20mmx20mm. I know it's not conventional for 6mm battles but I don't play against anyone but myself and a few friends and it's based for my enjoyment.  I can't get into the 60mm x 60mm bases, etc. I tried it. I like formation changes and battalion level games, but I also dont need 9 bases per regiment....not my thing either.
Above: Austrian Cavalry on the left vs the French artillery

Above: French artillery

Above: Austrian Dragoons