Tuesday, May 9, 2017

15mm Vikings

For my birthday I ordered some 15mm Viking figures from Scale Creep Miniatures who stock Baueda along with several other model types.  I liked the look of these so ordered a few different sets.  These just had a lot of character which was interesting.  The shields are some I found online.  Copy, Paste into a Word Doc and a quick print.  Some glue and "ta-da", shields.

18mm Spanish style buildings

A goal of mine has been to create some type of "Spanish" buildings for Sharpe Practice II.  I was inspired by smallworldproductions.blogspot.com/ use of foam boards along with some inspiration from work Rich as done at Lard Island on his own Spanish terrain.

This isn't perfect, more of a prototype.  It also only uses standard white styrofoam which isn't that useful, but did work out ok with this.  The roof material is cardboard, but I did switch to just plaster which I cut groves through with the plaster knife.  The entire thing got a good once over with plaster then three levels of paint (dry brush included).

On the whole I like the prototype.  

FIW Board

Just messing around with some of my terrain and put together a possible FIW / AWI board.  Different levels of trees, small path through the center, an open area and some hills to the top.  Plan to run something of this type with a SP2 game.